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 Χαλκοκονδύλη 35, τηλ-φαξ: 2105232553 email: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.








Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία







The refugee issue is the only question where the whole political regime has proven to be as hypocritical and impudent as its leader Tsipras is*.  

Because while this system is unanimously blaming Europe for her heartless closed borders, it has from the outset unanimously closed the only borders of our country which are safe for the refugees, those at the Evros region. At the same time, Tsipras has opened the sea borders and let the refugees drown by hundreds saying that he was simply rescuing them as they jumped in the Aegean to escape the bombings in Syria.

What a fraud! Until the rise of the Tsipras government the 5 million Syrian refugees had taken refuge in their three neighbouring countries, Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. There they faced welfare problems that refugees have in countries much poorer than Europe and with little international and European financial support, but not any problem of bombings. That’s why, during this period, the flows of refugees from Turkey to Greece were nearly zero. The refugees began moving towards the Aegean, suddenly and massively right after the Tsipras government came to power, because the latter suddenly opened wide the Aegean to the smugglers, and mostly, because, in violation of the Schengen Agreement, they indiscriminately and without any control granted documents to refugees and migrants allowing them to go to Europe provided that they entered Greece via sea, thus endangering their lives.

So the question is: Why don’t the Tsipras government, and the whole political leadership of our country behind it, ever want the opening of the Evros border and the separation of refugees and migrants there? Or in other words, why has the all-parties system permitted the refugees’ path to Europe provided they dared this trip via sea, thus causing the drowning of 600 people, one third of which being children, within nearly 12 months, and the enrichment of the smugglers?

The answer is that if the Greek political regime formally opened the land borders, it should have previously openly raised the Syrian refugees’ question in the EU and would engage in a political struggle along with other countries so as to achieve a European resolution for the reception of refugees, and at that a resolution really consensual, which would make possible for a significant number of refugees to enter EU. Otherwise, the Greek political regime would have been at once accused of undermining the European unity and would be automatically expelled from Schengen. This is because the EU is not yet a state, nor even a confederate one, that could solve by central decision and quickly state issues, where deep questions of state sovereignty such as the sudden social and economic integration of vast numbers of foreign populations are involved. Only each individual state in the EU, and only on a voluntary basis, can decide on the number of refugees it could host, depending on its state’s economic and political condition, on the level of its unemployment, on the power of democracy within it, on the political influence of the fascists on its population, and on how much informed this population is of the butchers that created the refugees and thus of how important it is that the latter be hosted. If the mass entrance of refugees in every EU country is not politically supported in the interior but is imposed from outside, then the voluntary unity of the European states will be destroyed, racism and the anti-European sentiment will strengthen in every country, and consequently also the hosted refugees will lose from this deterioration. This was the case of the September decision of the EU on the compulsory distribution of the refugees, taken under pressure of the sudden vast refugee flow and without real consensus, which was trampled upon splitting the EU.

The Tsipras all-Greek-parties regime opened the borders of the country without any previous consensual European decision precisely in order to cause this split, as well as the rise of the fascists in each hosting country. Theywantedtocausethese thingsbecauseallpoliticalleaderships in Greece are aligned, moreorless, to the Russian aggressive superpower.The latter frantically wants the split of the European Union and the strengthening of fascists, which are Russia’s avid fans. Proof of the pro-Putin sentiment of all Greek parliamentary leaderships is the fact that for nearly 4 years they haven’t denounced Assad – actually the booster of the Al Qaeda and ISIS cannibals – or his protector Putin as the chief perpetrators of the massacres in Syria.

However, theTsiprasgovernmentcouldntcausethebreak-upunlessit openedthebordersincover. Thiscouldonlybeachievedatsea, whereit could present the opening asa rescueof desperate people. At that, the rescue could seem more convincing if there were some deaths. The drowning of more than 600 migrants and the deep feelings this has caused to the peoples of the EU became the political alibi of the Tsipras government for splitting the EU and strengthening political reaction within it, or in other words it was the paid in blood political ticket of the refugees from the massacred Syria to enter the more and more divided and xenophobic Europe.The Tsipras government has become the Minotaur of the refugees and the greatest smuggler in the Mediterranean, starting as a political smuggler but now also evolving into an economic one. Because ever since the semi-paralysed Europe closed its door, this government has been demanding European money not only for the hosting of the trapped refugees - a hosting that has already being awarded to its political friends- but also indirectly, though quite clearly, for political survival. In fact they demand money (from their EU creditors) to save time so that they could realize their fascist scheme of firmly grasping power by controlling the press and the judges. 

The big problem with the criminal Tsipras regime is that it has on its side the mos tpowerful fractions of the EU and US bourgeoisies, which behave in a heartier manner towards Putin and his friends than Chamberlain and Daladier had behaved towards Hitler. Especially without the fanatical coverage of Tsipras by the ex-Stasi agent Merkel, the division of the EU on the refugee issue would be impossible. Merkel stepped over the expressed thirst of the German industrial capital for new cheap mass workforce and clothed it in internationalist and humanistic consistency, so as to impose the political human trafficking of the Tsipras regime on the rest of the EU. Now the EU is instructing Turkey, via the Merkel-Tsipras duet, to resolve the refugee issue in return for some economic-political gains. However, it’s Russia and Iran rather than Turkey that overwhelmingly control the sources of refugee production in the Middle East, but also their flows towards Europe, and therefore the refugee question will be exacerbated for the EU while Turkey is led to conflict with the EU, as Russia wishes. 

Having predicted with accuracy (www.oakke.gr/esoteriki-politiki/item/552) the division of Europe which was coming with the refugee issue, OAKKE has from the very first moment held the position that, apart from hosting the Syrian refugees, Europe basically ought to both firmly support them in the initial countries of reception and provide the Syrian democratic resistance with political coverage and anti-aircraft weapons so that they could crush the murderous occupational government of Assad-Putin. This won’t be achieved unless the Western interventionist imperialists, who in the name of the anti-ISIS struggle help the new Hitlers swallow the whole suffering Syria, get out of there too.

Athens, 11/3/2016

* By “political regime” we mean the leaders of all 7 Greek parliamentary parties who follow the same line with SYRIZA-Tsipras in every important strategic issue, being especially open or covered anti-Europeanists, and open Russophiles (Note for the English edition of the poster)