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The unbearable cynicism of Nazi-Putin: they do not give to the mother her son's body The unbearable cynicism of Nazi-Putin: they do not give to the mother her son's body

The following article was published on February 19, 2024 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language



The assassination of Navalny by the Nazi Putin regime was not the compulsory killing of an imminent danger to a dictatorship of a resistance fighter, in fear of a political change, with or without external pressure. Such a prospect has not existed in Russia for many, many years, since the social-imperialist, social-fascists of KGB-led regime swiftly after 1991 tied the Russian people ideologically to the shackles of their unique hybrid of neo-czarism and national-"communism". It was an incomparably "smarter", that is, a far more worked out ideologically Nazism over the past decades than that of 1933-1945 Germany.

KGB-led regime has thus convinced the people, the same people who relatively recently in history led the first successful revolution of slaves (1917), that millions of Russians have miserable lives, both in terms of economic poverty and social degradation, because of some kind of "historical humiliation of the eternal Russia" by the "conniving" and economically dominant West. They even called this colossal fascism on the political, ideological, and social level as a "proud resistance of the great Russia to the decadent liberal Western moral principles". For this disgrace there is no accountability of the West of course (although the latter, out of economic anti-communist blindness, supported it for years), but it is the very same social-imperialist, regime oligarchic clique, from the Khrushchev era to Putin's current one, to be held accountable appearing either in "Soviet" or openly Great-Russian costume.


Navalny did not challenge in its essence this Goebbels narrative until the end, except in minor aspects and focused more on a part of the corruption and raw trickery of the narrow leadership core of Putinism. Navalny had even played a reactionary and disruptive role, that caused damage and ultimately facilitated Putin to dismantle the bourgeois-liberal and genuinely democratic Kasparov-Nemtsov current within the anti-Putin opposition. In some respects, he had even moved further to the right than 'pure' Putinism, with his anti-Muslim, 'White Great-Russian” chauvinist line in the late 2000s and early 2010s. That is why we, for our part, have not ruled out at times the possibility that he could be an alternative leader of KGB strategy, at some point, in case there was need for such strategy to use a showcase of democratic in appearance opposition in order to split the West.

It turned out in the end that Navalny’s political line did not fit in the broad front that Putin and China want to build with the Third World, that is a front of "historical revenge against the white colonialists". It is no coincidence that Putin handed over the photographic "triumph" of the capture of the heroically resisting Ukrainian Mariupol to the Russian-dominated Islamo-Nazis, that is, to Kadyrov's Chechen national traitors and battalion leaders, and not to some of the mostly Great-Russian troops.

This assassination, therefore, has more to do with the complete transition of Russia (and in form since in essence this leap has already been made years ago in reality). This is about the complete transition to the regime of Nazi Germany in exponential degree, that is, to the regime of a complete terrorist dictatorship in order to carry out the warlike national homogenization required in the context of the Third World War, which in many respects has already begun. Nazi-style homogenization that does not allow at all manifestations of differences on separate policy issues, nor any moral and political questioning of leader Putin and his circle, and finally any internal secession and personal feuds (which explains the imprisonment of Nazi Girkin-Strelkov, and the possible execution of Prigozhin - if it is not a theatrical performance of the regime). That is why Putin regime makes no particular effort to attribute Navalny's death to natural causes, as it stated very casually at first. By releasing the video in where Navalny appeared the day before his death, healthy and joking with judges in a teleconference from the prison where he had been held , the Kremlin is actually confirming that it was murder, for which it is almost, and within limits, bragging.

In conclusion, the internal front of Putinism needs to be unbroken for the sake of the alliance with China (that is also taking measures to integrate Nazi-style dictatorship of the Xi clan within the "Communist" Party of China and more broadly in the interior of the country), and along with that part of the so-called "Global South"*. The latter goes back and forth in the direction to follow them (consisting of new countries of monopoly capitalism emerging from the Third World and smaller ones, non-imperialist countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa) to make an advance when the time is right for Putin and Xi in an attempt to sweep into Europe, Japan, South Korea and Australia, for the greatest operation to redistribute the world that human history has ever known. That time does not appear to be far.

It is no coincidence that the assassination of Navalny came at a time that the nazi agent of Kremlin, Trump, while running in elections with high chances to take over US presidency on January 2025 (elections will be held early November), openly declares that NATO is practically over, and that the door is wide open for Putin if he wants to strike Europe militarily, since Trump as US president, will ensure that USA will not lift a finger to defend it militarily. At the same time, the Republican Party "numbed" with political terror in front of the fascist Trump current within the party, is blocking in Congress any US military and financial aid to Ukraine. In this way it is now paving the way for Russia to advance on its war front, despite the heroic and admirable anti-Nazi, patriotic resistance of Ukrainians. The latest episode in this drama is the fall of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region, largely due to a shortage of ammunition for long-range weapons as result of US military aid cut off.

Putin, in brief, has gone beyond the phase of pretending that Russia is a middle power. (This is the way Western economic monopolists have treated Russia for years and they were looking stupidly at its GDP charts only but failed to notice Russia’s vast wealth in raw materials, its global diplomatic power, and its military technology). This image of middle power was projected for years to avoid frightening, mainly, its future victims and the middle power countries that Putin wants to drag behind Russia. Now, he shows at home and abroad, the fascist brutality he reckons as necessary for the purpose of forming the front of the supposed "winners" over USA, which is in a state of political civil war, and - above all –over the democratic countries of the Second World.

It is up to the peoples, the nations and the states to thwart his pharaonic, Hitler-type hegemonic plans which necessarily pass through rivers of blood.


P.S. The reaction of the Greek political world, perhaps the most Russian-obsessed, but certainly the slimiest in the world, in the sense that it always wants to cover its Russian-obsession under a western costume, is worthy of a comment. In the statements of Sakellaropoulou, Mitsotakis, Dendias, Androulakis, G. Papandreou, Kasselakis, there is not any mention, nowhere, by name to Putin as perpetrator of the murder, nor, of course, there is any reference to the struggle of Ukraine, which is being bled, raped and killed by same murderer. They all speak vaguely of an 'authoritarian regime', which they never name, just to cover themselves against Brussels and Washington. This is the same Russian-driven Greek political regime that has eliminated the world-historical event of Russian Nazi invasion in Ukraine from the double parliamentary election debates of May and June 2023 in Greece. They all thus left all the space, and as to that without counter argument - apart from the proletarian OAKKE – to the pseudo-KKE political party with its leader Koutsoubas, perhaps the most loyal Kremlin dog in the world, to slander insidiously the patriotic and anti-imperialist resistance of Ukrainian people as "American-motivated" and ultimately as reactionary one.

*The true "Global South" does not include, however, Russia and China, the two imperialist giants that simply constitute the New Hitler’s Axis, although both claimed it constantly.