Before the US elections of November 5 that brought the fascist Trump clique to the US presidency, we had posted on our website an article in which we called on every democratic person to resolutely support the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, K. Harris, and not to maintain a neutral stance. We even emphasized in this article that a Trump presidency would not only mean a military abandonment of Europe by the USA but also an alliance of the Trump leadership with the Axis and even with the Axis' "red"-brown friends inside Europe:
<<But the biggest problem of a second Trump presidency would not be that, as he proclaims, the United States will go into isolationism, that is, it will cease to function as a military support for all those bourgeois democracies that have been left half-armed in the face of the new Hitlerian imperialisms because of the economic cretinism of their monopoly bourgeoisie. The problem would be that Trump, an asset of Putin's Russia, and the most reactionary part of the monopoly bourgeoisie that supports him and is headed by the neo-Nazi Elon Musk, do not intend at all to move towards isolationism, but towards the alliance with the Russian-Chinese war Axis. This has been proven not only by Musk with his strategic economic partnership with China, but especially by Trump in his first presidency. During his term of office, he controlled neither the State Department nor the Defense Ministry, and yet he managed to push all the countries of the Middle East as close as possible to Putin's Russia, including the wavering up to a point Iran as well as Israel. Typical of that was the support he gave to the expansionist policy of provocateur Netanyahu in order to strengthen the Nazi monster of Hamas among the Palestinian populations and enable it to launch with their support its sadistic attack of October 7. Much larger and more open pro-Axis interventions will now be organized in a possible new Trump presidency. This is because in this case he would control the Republican Party as he has spread fascism more than ever in the masses following him and previously following the imperialist and conservative but not fascist Republican Party. On the contrary, now these masses that call themselves MAGA (Make America Great Again) are willing to follow him to a considerable extent in a form of fascist dictatorship at home as well as in an open alliance with the neo-Hitlerian Axis abroad. Especially with regard to the alliance with the Axis abroad, this would mean not only accelerating an external attack by the Axis especially against the democracies of Europe, but even worse encouraging an offensive by the "red"-brown friends of the Axis, from Le Pen and Mélenchon to the AFD and Die Linke, to seize power within these countries and use the corresponding violence, as well as the analogues intra-European national-chauvinist wars fomented by the Axis. In other words, a Trump election would increase the risk that in this new world war we will not just have a Nazi advance from abroad but several Quislings governments at home attacking with fury the peoples and countries that resist them>>.