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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία






The following article was published in two parts, on 28/6/2019 and on 1/10/2019 in the newspaper «Nea Anatoli» published by the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) and on its website in Greek:




The same text is published here in translation into English.

Here is the first part https://www.oakke.gr/english-articles/item/1345-the-new-tsars-will-end-up-like-the-old-ones-%E2%80%93-part-i-europe-is-being-encircled-by-russia

Here is the second part:

Finally, pro-Putin fascist Trump took the U.S. presidency by assault, as by assault had his pro-Putin fascist counterparts thrown Britain out of Europe a short time before that. In both cases the western political  leaderships were taken by surprise.


Κυριακή, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

The lies are over. The new tsars are preparing for a world war. The peoples of Europe and the whole world unite! The position of the real left is, as always, at the forefront of the global anti-fascist struggle

Imperialist neo-Hitler’s Russia has just launched a great war against Ukraine. This is a racist colonial war against the Ukrainian nation since the invader denies its existence and strategically wants to wipe it out as such.

The following article was published in two parts, on 28/6/2019 and on 1/10/2019 in the newspaper «Nea Anatoli» ("New Sunrise") published by the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) and on its website in Greek:




The same text is published here in translation into English. Here is the first part:

This is a translation of the article published on February 7, 2025 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language *

The pro-Russian fascist and provocateur Trump from the first moment he was sworn in as president of the United States keeps doing only one thing. That is to dissolve any unity of bourgeois democratic countries, especially European ones, against neo-Hitlerian Russia-China Axis, to threaten them and thus to pushing them along with the countries of the Third World into the hands of the Axis. For this, he goes as far as to threaten to occupy even with economic or military violence territories affiliated to the European Union, such as the hitherto Danish Greenland, Canada and Panama, to blackmail the heroic Ukraine by demanding to sell itself out to the USA as a condition for getting their help, thus vindicating one of the arguments of Russian propaganda. Trump is trying to make the so-called rift in the Atlantic a reality. This is the most basic goal of Russian imperialism, namely to sharpen relations between the US and Europe. But Trump's most provocative move so far is that he is trying to turn the entire Muslim world, that is, two billion people, in fact every country and every people around the world against Israel and thus send everyone into the arms of the anti-Semites – "anti-Zionist" cannibals, that is, again finally to the neo-Hitlerian axis of China and Russia who guide and cultivate this most inhumane of all racist hatreds.

That is why Trump is right next to Netanyahu when he announces the ethnic cleansing of 2 million Palestinians who will be forced to go to live "humanely" in other Arab countries, mainly in Egypt and Jordan or in other countries, while Gaza will become US property.

We cannot know how much of its iron-fenced body the Kremlin snake will unfold this time on the territory of Ukraine. It is likely to be as little as it takes to break up its prospective victims, the peoples and countries of Europe, and so much as to terrorize them in conjunction with the energy hostage-taking to which it has subjected them.

This time, however, words are far more disturbing than deeds. It was in a Hitler-style address that Putin heralded a war of extermination against the Ukrainian nation of 45 million people before annexing a piece of it for the second time in eight years, without having previously received the slightest threat from it.

The following article was published on February 19, 2024 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language



The assassination of Navalny by the Nazi Putin regime was not the compulsory killing of an imminent danger to a dictatorship of a resistance fighter, in fear of a political change, with or without external pressure. Such a prospect has not existed in Russia for many, many years, since the social-imperialist, social-fascists of KGB-led regime swiftly after 1991 tied the Russian people ideologically to the shackles of their unique hybrid of neo-czarism and national-"communism". It was an incomparably "smarter", that is, a far more worked out ideologically Nazism over the past decades than that of 1933-1945 Germany.

KGB-led regime has thus convinced the people, the same people who relatively recently in history led the first successful revolution of slaves (1917), that millions of Russians have miserable lives, both in terms of economic poverty and social degradation, because of some kind of "historical humiliation of the eternal Russia" by the "conniving" and economically dominant West. They even called this colossal fascism on the political, ideological, and social level as a "proud resistance of the great Russia to the decadent liberal Western moral principles". For this disgrace there is no accountability of the West of course (although the latter, out of economic anti-communist blindness, supported it for years), but it is the very same social-imperialist, regime oligarchic clique, from the Khrushchev era to Putin's current one, to be held accountable appearing either in "Soviet" or openly Great-Russian costume.

Imperialist neo-Hitler’s Russia has just launched a great war against Ukraine. This is a racist colonial war against the Ukrainian nation since the invader denies its existence and strategically wants to wipe it out as such.

This is a translation of the article published on February 18, 2025 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language *

The European Union, at least and even at the last moment, should stop being indecisive for fear of staying alone against Putin and Xi and should not consider that it might be saved by the weak half-democratic minority of the US Republican Party or, even worse, by the neo-Nazis of Xi's China. Europe must rely on itself, on the democratic anti-fascist movements and democratic anti-fascist forces throughout the world, including those in the USA. But above all at a time when both the classical fascists and especially the fascists with "leftist" flags are leading the increasingly impoverished world proletariat into enmity with the bourgeois democracies and friendship with the neo-Nazi Axis of Russia and China, as well as with their American quisling friend Trump and his clique. The most crucial and vital task of left democrats and real communists is to resist the Axis by rallying and not striking the European and third world proletariat. This means proving in practice that Europe's patriotic war against the neo-Nazis, which has begun on the heroic Ukrainian front, cannot be fought while the big bourgeoisie keep accumulating ever greater wealth and the peoples keep paying for themselves, and mainly for the cost of defense both in money today and in lives tomorrow. This means that now is the time for a new democratic and revolutionary anti-fascist left and a new mass socialist, communist movement to spring up. For the bourgeoisie, even when it performs patriotic by convention, draws the strength of its resistance from the determination of the masses. Even in its best version, it tends to compromise, especially when in a first phase fascism wins over a large part of the masses, as it does today in Europe, especially in our country, and more so in the United States.